we’ll get started at 18:05

course intro

6841 week1

> whoami

  • Lachlan
  • TODO: more stuff here

how to contact me

places for course discussion

> whoru

  • what’s your name/degree?
  • why did you decide to do this course?
  • what’s your favourite course you’ve done, and why?


  • walkthrough (wow!)
  • join the H18B-6841 Tutorial Group (if you haven’t already)
  • change your profile picture to a picture of yourself (or don’t)

Good faith policy

we expect a high standard of professionalism from you at all times while you are taking any of our courses. We expect all students to act in good faith at all times

tldr: don’t be a dick jerk


admin stuff


I have no idea about the weightings

  • logbook: 30%?
  • something awesome: 30%?
  • final: 40%?

weekly challenges/log book

  • set up your logbook (Celeste’s is a template)
  • each week, put a link to your challenge answers in your logbook
  • mark the challenge that you’re most proud of with an X or something
  • your answers and marks are posted publicly

marking criteria

excellent85-100work with impressive elements significantly exceeding what would be regarded as satisfactory
good60-75%acceptable work demonstrating solid and satisfactory level of achievement for the criteria
partial30-45%borderline work. demonstrates some relevant skills and work but below the level expected
absent0no serious attempt made

something awesome

  • worth 30% of your grade
  • there’s a document outlining a bunch of ideas, you can select from it, or propose something new if you’d like.
  • make a blog post describing your idea, and send it to me by Sunday

something awesome options

  • learning: e.g. coding or lockpicking
  • teaching: pick something from the first 4/5 weeks of term, spend week 6 teaching that to someone (or a group of people)
  • auditing: pick something real (e.g. lecture halls at UNSW, not your house), and write up a document explaining any vulnerabilities in it’s security.

hall of fame

  • present something for about 3-5 minutes during a tutorial.
  • it can’t just be something from the lectures.
  • bonus marks!?
    • one, maybe two if you hack NASA or something.

simplified grading


  • apparently you can opt for a pass/fail system of grading
  • but a pass is a 70, and fail is ?? idk
  • you can change this anytime up until monday week 7

case study



thank you :)