We’ll get started at 18:05


6841 week2


class notes

our tutorial is scheduled to do the lecture notes for the wednesday lecture of week 4

class representatives

you get to attend meetings with Richard?

  • have they mentioned this?
  • if you want to nominate yourself, cool
  • maybe we can vote as a class?


feedback on logbooks

  • some didn’t do the learning community/dealing with challenges sections.
    • this is worth 40% of the mark per week, you should do it.
  • if you’re unsure how to approach the it, check out some other people’s logbook

non-technical questions

try to focus on analysis, rather than just noting down what you read

  • what conclusions did you come to?
  • what made you come to them?
  • what did you learn?

technical questions

  • just showing you solved it (e.g flag) isn’t enough
  • show me what you didn’t work (and why not? or why YOU didn’t think it worked)
  • show me the process you took to get the solution, not the solution!

what do I want

do just this stuff

  • case study analysis
  • extended challenge (e.g. SQLi, XSS)
  • 50%* of the other challenges

* rounded up

something awesome

what to do now

  • plan it now, before you start working on it.
  • work on your marking criteria (pls).
  • post weekly update blogs!
    • easier to determine how much time you put in
    • stops you from leaving it all until the last minute

what to do throughout the term

  • you should spend around 30 hours total on it.
  • at the end of term, you present what you produced
    • you record a video presentation (marked), and
    • present it during the tutorial (not marked)

if it has something targeting others, you need their express permission

who doesn’t love presenting

share what you’re planning on doing for your Something Awesome!


some stuff I forgot to mention last week

COMP6441 vs COMP6841

  • extended isn’t much more difficult, there’s just “different” content.
  • different (better) weekly challenges, exam questions, and an extra lecture hour each week.
  • if you’re technically-inclined, I’d recommend 6841.
  • generally extended security courses are intended for people with an interest in pursuing security-adjacent careers

other security courses

ones i’ve done, in order of goodness

  • COMP6447
  • COMP6[84]43
  • MATH3411
  • COMP9447
  • COMP6[84]45

even more

others I haven’t done

  • COMP9301
  • COMP6448
  • COMP4337

what is the most insecure part of

  • a system (e.g. a bank or banking app)?
  • password authentication (think outside the box)

what is the CIA triad?

  • CDont hack me pls
  • Idk
  • A

what is the general anatomy of an attack

what is security by design

  • what is shifting security left?
  • why is this important/beneficial
  • proactive good, reactive bad?

what are type I and II errors?

this slide is intentionally blank



structured query language

  • SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL Server

Queries >

  • SELECT <column> FROM <table>;
  • INSERT INTO table VALUES (a, b);
  • UPDATE table SET ... = ...
  • DELETE FROM table ... (pls dont)
  • -- a comment (also #)


  • col = ...
  • col > ...
  • col < ...
  • col <> ... # not equals (!=)
  • col LIKE ... # regexp
    • _ (.) and % (.*) are wildcards

SELECT user, pass FROM users UNION SELECT title, author FROM blogs

  user	  pass	     id	  title   author	THE UNION
|=======|=======|   |===|=======|=======|   |=======|=======|
| admin	| admin	|   | 1 | blog1 | melon |   | admin | admin |
| melon	| water	|   | 2 | blog2 | admin |   | melon | water |
|=======|=======|   | 3 | blog3 | admin |   | blog1 | melon |
		            |===|=======|=======|   | blog2 | admin |
		 		                      	    | blog3 | admin |
      users     		   blogs        	|=======|=======|

Notes on UNIONs

  • the query needs to extract the same number of columns from both tables
  • the data-type for the columns must be compatible
  • you can also UNION the same table


  • work out the flavour/version
    • MySQL: Version()
    • SQLite: sqlite_version()
    • MSSQL: @@Version

finding the schema

  • what tables exist, what do they look like?
    • MySQL: information_schema.[tables|columns]
    • SQLite: sqlite_[master|schema]
    • MSSQL: SHOW TABLES; DESCRIBE <table_name>


SQL Injection

  • tldr: blindly trusting user input is bad

  • what if we injected control characters which changed how the database interprets the query? e.g. inject our own UNIONS/WHERES/etc

  • how could it tell the difference?

How does SQLi work

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '{input}' AND password = '{...}'


If our input was: ' OR 1=1 --

--                        vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '' OR 1=1 --'and password = '...'
--                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- user = '' is always false, but 1=1 is always true
-- so this will return every user from the database

issues you may encounter

  • syntax needs to be correct, or you’ll throw an error

    • so, determine syntax through errors/fingerprint
  • you have SQLi in items, but want users

    • find out the tables? (database schema)
    • include that table with a UNION


a basic login form



  • reduce information disclosure
    • don’t display error messages
    • just fail or show a basic error message (e.g. 'username or password incorrect')
  • strip out malicious content (e.g. use a WAF)
  • block requests with anything sus (kinda bad UX)

better defence

  • don’t use raw content
    • use parameterised queries rather than raw input
    • use an ORM (database as an object)

note: these have historically still been vulnerable, don’t solely rely on them


  • content stripped?
    • embed dummy characters (oORr)
    • use alternating case (WhErE)
  • no response?
    • timing Attacks (IF success THEN sleep(1))
    • error-based extraction (get the output in an error)
    • boolean-based extraction (IF success THEN …)


Case Study