We expect a high standard of professionalism from you at all times while you are taking any of our courses. We expect all students to act in good faith at all times
tldr: don’t be a dick jerk
Play 20 questions with the person next to you.
Say you are the NSA, and you wanted to hack someone’s phone, how would you do it?
only as strong as the weakest link…
?know yours tags
<img src=.../>
<!-- www.example.com/database?q=dog -->
you have searched for 'dog'
<!-- www.example.com/database?q=<script>alert(1)</script> -->
you have searched for '<script>alert(1)</script>'
const pos = document.URL.indexOf("context=") + 8;
tags// event-handlers
<img src=x onerror=alert(1)/>
// injecting into javascript code
const a = '<user_input>'
// and much more
it’s any time you get user supplied input in a javascript context