We’ll get started at 18:05

buffer overflows

6841 week4

good faith policy

We expect a high standard of professionalism from you at all times while you are taking any of our courses. We expect all students to act in good faith at all times

tldr: don’t be a dick jerk



something awesome

would anyone like to discuss their progress

secedu conference

  • there’s a secedu conference in week 6
  • $20 admission for students?
  • they’ll talk about jobs and stuff
  • come along

collaborative class notes

we’re writing the class notes for this weeks extended lecture

class notes

hall of fame

does anyone have a presentation (for bonus marks)

side channel attacks

  • what is a side channel attack
  • what are some examples of them

“2” factor authentication

what is the problem with 2 factor authenticator

  • by sms
  • through a phone app


what’s the difference between

  • phishing
  • spear phishing

when might each be used?

buffer overflows

  • what is stack
  • buffer overflows
  • memory protections

stack frames

  • what are they?
  • what register stores the stack, and frame pointer?
  • why are the parameters stored below frame pointer?

the stack grows ???

  • the stack grows from high address to low addresses
  • so the top of the stack, is lower down in memory
  • this doesn’t really change how you exploit, you also just write up the stack

stack frames

basic example

    0x18  [   ARGS   ] <- parameters
    0x14  [   EIP    ] <- stored return pointer
    0x10  [   EBP    ] <- stored frame pointer
    0x0C  [ AAAAAAAA ] <- local vars
    0x08  [ 00000001 ] <- an int?
    0x04  [ DEADBEEF ] <- a pointer
    0x00  [ 59454554 ] <- 4 characters

where are vars

referenced in relation to ebp e.g. ebp-0x4

  • local vars are above later, so ebp-0x4
  • arguments are below earlier so ebp+0x8

buffer overflows

tldr: trust is bad

reading into a buffer

what happens when you write more content than a buffer can hold

  • mordern languages might just resize (python)
  • some languages might throw an exception
  • maybe it would crash? (sometimes it will)
  • C (& lower-level languages) just kinda run with it


so where exactly does that content go

  • we’ve talked about stack frames
  • if we write more content, it’ll just start overwriting other content on the stack
    • other variables
    • control stuff (EBP, EIP)

what can I overwrite?

  • local variables
  • return addresses
  • content from other processes?

this could allow us to change the application flow


when is a program vulnerable

what functions cause buffer overflows?

char buffer[32] a;

// read content
fgets(a, 0x32, stdin)

// printf, but write to a string not stdout
sprintf(a, "%s %s %d", some, random, vars);
snprintf(a, "%s %s %d", 0x32, and, more, vars);

but that’s not all

it’s not just reading content, but also copying?

char buffer[32] a, buffer[64] b;

// copy contents of b into a 
strcpy(a, b);
strncpy(a, b, 64);

// append contents of b onto a
strcat(a, b);
strncat(a, b, strlen(a) + strlen(b));

how do I find offsets


binja is really nice and tells us the distance

  • int is 0xC (12) bytes away from the return address
  • buffer is 0x34 (52) bytes away

if we wrote 40 bytes of padding, and one additional byte into the buffer, we would overwrite the int


kinda like bruteforce but smart

  • what if we gave a random string as input
  • then found what part of the string overwrote EIP
# gets(buffer)


then we need 16 bytes of padding before the return address

how to generate random strings


cyclic(20) # generate a chunk of length 20

c = cyclic_gen()
c.get(n)        # get a chunk of length n
c.find(b'caaa') # (8,0,8): pos 8, which is chunk 0 at pos 8


# you can also do it on commandline
cyclic 12      # aaaaaaabaaac
cyclic -l aaab # -> 1  = find chunk
cyclic -o aaae # -> 13 = find offset

memory protections

ew cringe security stuff

PIE (yum)

position independent execution

  • every time you run the binary, it gets loaded into a different location in memory
  • this means just can’t simply set EIP to win()
  • binja will only show the offset from the binary base

what does it look like

notice the region is entirely different

# no PIE
$ ./leak
win() is at 0x8041234

# with PIE
$ ./leak
win() is at 0x5650161
$ ./leak
win() is at 0x5650911


address space layout randomization

using ASLR

# turn aslr off
sudo sysctl kernel.randomize_va_space=0

# check if it's on
cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

wait what’s the difference

ASLR is a kernel protection, PIE is a binary protection

  • aslr is kinda like PIE for libc

stack canaries

they save the day and make overflows impossible

  • a random value between the user buffers and [ER]IP
  • if the value of that canary changes during execution, the program will abort
  • this is what the __stack_chk_fail() thing is in some of the source code you’ll have read

canaries in memory

    0x1C  [  ARGS  ] <- parameters
    0x18  [   EIP  ] <- stored return pointer
    0x14  [   EBP  ] <- stored frame pointer
    0x00  [ canary ] <- canary goes here
    0x0C  [  AAAA  ] <- these are local vars
    0x08  [  AAAA  ]
    0x04  [  AAAA  ]
    0x00  [  AAAA  ]

real value stored somewhere else, and checked before the function returns

how do I defeat them

memory leaks basically

  • PIE/ASLR: leak function pointer and you’re good
  • canaries: leak the canary’s value
  • the stack sometimes has some interesting values, but how can we leak them (this comes in week 4)

case study
