There’s a couple different ways to send requests to Quoccabank
import requests, urllib3, re
cert = ('/path/to/cert.pem', '/path/to/cert.key')
# Create the post
page = requests.post(
data = {"username": "melon", "password": "Hunter2"},
# you could extract the session cookie like so!
cookie = re.search(r"session=(.+?);", page.headers['Set-Cookie']).group(1)
# now we can use that cookie, and send it to another page maybe?
page = requests.get("https://quoccabank.com/view/", certs=cert, cookies = { 'session': cookie })
Proxying through BurpSuite
- This has the benefit of allowing you to use BurpSuite to
- intercept the requests
- view the history of your requests
import requests, urllib3, re
# helpful, as it ignores the annoying HTTPS error message
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
proxy = { "https": "", "http" : "" }
page = requests.post("https://login.quoccabank.com",
proxies = proxy,
verify = False, # IMPORTANT: otherwise you'll get errors due to BurpSuites self-signed cert
data = {"username": "melon", "password": "Hunter2"}
# you could extract the session cookie like so!
cookie = re.search(r"session=(.+?);", page.headers['Set-Cookie']).group(1)
# now we can use that cookie, and send it to another page maybe?
page = requests.get(
proxies = proxy,
verify = False,
cookies = { 'session': cookie }
- Using a requests session allows you to maintain a persistent session
- You won’t need to explicitly include your credentials with every request
- This would also work with the certs, just use
s.certs = (...)
from above
import requests, urllib3, re
# helpful, as it ignores the annoying HTTPS error message
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = { "https": "", "http" : "" }
s.verify = False
page = s.post("https://login.quoccabank.com", data = {"username": "melon", "password": "Hunter2"})
# the session automatically stores our cookies - no need to manually extract and send them!
page = s.get("https://quoccabank.com/view/")
# thanks @scorpiontornado for helping making this persistent session script.. more persistent