We’ll get started at 19:05


COMP6445 W19A

Network forensics

What is a packet?

  • a chunk of data, forming part of a complete message

  • max packet size is about 65kb, so what happens when you stream a movie

What is in a packet

  • All packets contain a header and a payload

  • Payload is all the data

  • Header contains any metadata (e.g. length, protocol, source, destination)

OSI What

What is a packet capture?

  • Intercepting packets travelling across a network, and logging them to a file

What could be a problem with this?


Report writing

What not to do

  • Be overly verbose

  • Make stuff up (I did the same investigation)

  • Speak outside of your competence

  • Make a decision too hastily


Bad report

What to do

  • Document the process

  • Explain why you did certain things

  • Explain what the evidence means

  • Align the evidence


My report (also bad)


