We’ll get started at 19:05

course review

comp6445 week09

house keeping

  • investigation
  • report feedback
  • court case
  • myexperience


  • we literally did this during the tute
  • if you don’t get full marks im calling the police

report feedback

  • yeah I didn’t marks yours
  • marks should come out next week


Visited websiteswikipedia.org amazon.com bing.com collegelifeweekly.com birdtrader.co.uk internationalowlcenter.org yahoo.com google.com
Skype email[email protected]
Video appmusical.ly


New nameTikTok
Skype namegeneralhaze28
ResponseThank you!
LocationHarris Riverfront Park


SearchHuntington, West Virginia, 25701
CMLocker17/02/03 12:15

court case

whenmonday wk10, 6-8:30pm
whereLaw Theatre G23
who can attendanyone

Come along, it’ll be fun


oh no


duration3 hours

what’s in it?

3 sections

  1. multiple choice questions
  2. technical questions
  3. professionalism questions

what’ll it include

  • likely to have one question from each topic
  • section 2 and 3 will be longer answer questions, and likely won’t be as straight-forward (e.g. they might be based on scenarios)
  • you won’t be given files to digest/examine, but you may be given screenshots of tooling

how to study?

  • learn content not covered in the weekly challenges
  • delve deeper into content that was (many topics were discussed, but not assessed, e.g. file slack)
  • review the case studies (maybe highlight/note down key parts of the discussion around them)


01: physical evidence handling

  • what is the difference between covert and overt?
  • what are first steps when you arrive on the scene?
  • what is chain of custody?
  • what are the forensics acqusitions methods?

02: the forensic process

  • admissible evidence must be ____ and ____?
  • what are the steps of the forensic process?
  • what is the difference between ethics and morals?
  • where could someone hide information on a drive?

03: file systems

  • what are the three main components of FAT32?
  • how are meta-data structures represented in NTFS?
  • what happens to a file when it’s deleted, what happens to it’s contents?
  • what is file carving? how does it work?

04: timeline analysis

  • what is timestomping?
  • why is it important to use the correct timezone?
  • you’ve realized your timeline doesn’t make sense with some new data coming in, what should you do?

05: network forensics

  • what can network forensics be used for?
  • you’ve found a piece of suspicious traffic (e.g. a wierd IP, download of a strange file), how can you determine if it’s malicious
  • what barriers might prevent you from performing an investigation of a packet capture?

07: memory forensics

  • why is collecting a memory dump difficult?
  • how might you get access to a memory dump?
  • what might be stored in memory that would be worthwhile to investigate?
  • what is processing hollowing?

08: mobile forensics

  • you’ve collected a phone, where might you look for good stores of information?
  • why is imaging a phone so difficult
  • what types of techniques are there to isolate a phone, what methods are there for acquisition?

09: revision

  • wait what
