We’ll get started at 18:05


6447 week3

Good faith policy

We expect a high standard of professionalism from you at all times while you are taking any of our courses. We expect all students to act in good faith at all times

TLDR: Don’t be a dick jerk



  • reverse engineering
  • shellcode
  • memory protections (again)

harder re

instructions can give context to the variables

harder re #2

what’s different between these instructions?

    mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
    mov eax, word ptr [esp]
    mov eax, byte ptr [esp]
    mov ax, [esp]
    mov al, [esp]

finding offsets

some people seemed to be confused

  • binja: var_30 means the variable is 0x30 (48) bytes away from the return address
  • assembly: variable ebp-0x2B means it’s 0x2B (44) bytes away from stored EBP

buffer overflows

last week recap

  • last week we had a nice win() function to jump to

  • so we overwrite EIP with that function pointer

win is at 0xDEADBEEF. gimme some data though

wait how'd you get here?
$ rm -rf /*

last week recap

what does it look like in memory

    0x18  [   ARGS   ] 
    0x14  [ DEADBEEF ] <- EIP
    0x10  [ 41414141 ] <- EBP
    0x0C  [ 41414141 ] 
    0x08  [ 41414141 ]
    0x04  [ 41414141 ]
    0x00  [ 41414141 ] <- our buffer

some suggestions

dont hardcode stuff

payload = fit({10: b'abcd', 100: b'efgh'}, filler=b'A')

# kinda equivalent to
payload = b'A' * 10
payload += b'abcd'
payload += b'A' * (100 - len(payload))
payload += b'efgh

# but much more readable

why wasn’t this taught last week

you should understand what the tooling does

  • there’s a lot the tooling can do
  • but it’s important to understand the fundamentals of why
  • e.g. shellcraft.i386.linux.sh()
  • don’t use it

but now, there is no win function

  • so we can’t jump to a win function anymore
  • so what if we just write our own win function?

programming in my security??



  • Q: What is a win() function (or any function)?


  • Q: what is a win() function (or any function)?
  • A: it’s just a sequence of assembly instructions


  • Q: what is a win() function (or any function)?
  • A: it’s just a sequence of assembly instructions
    • assembly is just bytes


  • Q: what is a win() function (or any function)?
  • A: it’s just a sequence of assembly instructions
    • assembly is just bytes
    • bytes is just data (which we can send)


  • Q: what is a win() function (or any function)?
  • A: it’s just a sequence of assembly instructions
    • assembly is just bytes
    • bytes is just data (which we can send)
  • if we write some assembly instructions, and point EIP at them, we can get code execution (e.g. read/write, pop a shell)!

what does this like look

in memory

    0x48  [   ARGS   ] < 
    0x44  [ 00000030 ] <- EIP
    0x40  [ AA094101 ] <- hacks nasa? 
    0x3C  [ 12350ADA ] <- calls back to a c2
    0x38  [ 48392918 ] <- deploys malware on the system
    0x34  [ 59059474 ] <- pops a shell
    0x30  [ 56486420 ] <- our buffer

some helpful instructions :)

hopefully you’ve seen them in 1521/MIPS?

    mov a, b        # a = b
    add a, value    # a += value
    sub a, value    # a -= value
    xor a, b        # a ^= b
    and a, b        # a &= b
    push a          # push a onto stack, dec esp - 4
    pop a           # pop into a from stack, add esp + 4
    int 0x80        # syscall

syscall table

what is a syscall

  • we don’t have privilege to perform certain actions, but the kernel does
    • e.g. reading/writing, networking, creating processes
  • a syscall is kinda like a kernel API to invoke these services on our behalf

idc, how do we /bin/sh

basically this

eax = 0xB (11)
ebx = char __user *
ecx = char __user * __user *
edx = char __user * __user *
esi = struct pt_regs *

most of those don’t matter

this is how you invoke /bin/sh

eax = OxB (important, the sycall number)
ebx = *("/bin/sh") (important, this is the program to run) 
ecx = NULL (not important, this is arguments to that program)
edx = NULL (not important, this is environment variables)
esi = NULL (not important, idk what this is)

so how do we do that

one example

mov eax, 0xB        # eax = 12
mov ebx, 0x8041234  # imagine that is the pointer to /bin/sh
xor ecx, ecx        # ecx = NULL
xor edx, edx        # edx = NULL
xor esi, esi        # esi = NULL

int 0x80            # invoke syscall


  • poppin a shell with ./runner

my payload isn’t working, help

  • no /bin/sh’s?
  • egghunters

The /bin/sh problamo


                ↓↓ that's a null byte :(
 hs/  |  push 0x0068732F
nib/  |  push 0x6E69622F    


  • what if:
    • the program stops reading at a null byte/newline?
    • the program strips/parses them out?

The /bin/sh solutiomo

  • Pad out /bin/sh -> /bin//sh
                ↓↓ that's not a null byte :)
hs//  |  push 0x68732F2F
nib/  |  push 0x6E69622F    


However, what happens to our null byte?

The missing nullbyte

We still need to get a nullbyte onto the stack, otherwise it’ll just do

execve('/bin//sh + <some_garbage_data>')


There’s plenty of ways to do it, e.g.

xor eax, eax
push eax


call pwn
    pop ebx                 # ebx now stores &(pwn)
    diff = binsh - pwn      # we find the offset to binsh
    add ebx, diff           # we add the offset
    ## equivalently: lea ebx, [ebx + binsh - pwn]

    ## now ebx stores &binsh, so we call execve or w/e

    binsh: .string "/bin/sh"

full payload here

why does that work?

  • call func will push the return address (the address of the next instruction) onto the stack

  • the return address of call pwn would be &pwn

  • now we have the address of pwn, we just need to offset to binsh, and use that as our address

source: here

alternatively #2

  • all of the strings in the program are still accessible to you
  • so you could just feed their address in (if any of them are useful of course).


nopsledin’ away


  • we don’t know exactly where our payload will be, or
  • the address is a random distance into our buffer.


the start of our input             the leaked address
↓↓↓↓                               ↓↓↓↓
\xDE \xAD \xBE \xEF \xCA \xFE \xBA \xBE \xTR \xIV \xIA \xLl

nopsledin’ away

nop (no-operation) \x90 is a single-byte instruction, which does nothing


So what if we padded our input out with those nops (similar to padding we used to reach EIP)

the start of our input             the leaked address
↓↓↓↓                               ↓↓↓↓
\x90 \x90 \x90 \x90 \x90 \x90 \x90 \xDE \xAD \xBE \xEF \xCA \xFE

what if no nop

sometimes you might get WAFed

  • if \x90 (NOOP) is blocked
  • you can just use something else e.g. xchg eax, eax
  • or any meaningless (for your use) one-byte instruction

🥚 egghunter

  • Q: what if our buffer isn’t big enough for a payload?

🥚 egghunter

  • Q: what if our buffer isn’t big enough for a payload?
    • if we have a big non-overflowable buffer, we can store the payload there (and an egg).

🥚 egghunter

  • Q: what if our buffer isn’t big enough for a payload?
    • if we have a big non-overflowable buffer, we can store the payload there (and an egg).
    • then in our overflowable buffer, we put a small payload which will search for & execute the egg.

🍳 omelette egghunter

  • Q: what if we don’t any buffer big enough?

🍳 omelette egghunter

  • Q: what if we don’t any buffer big enough?
  • A: if we have a number of small buffers
    • store a bit of the payload in each buffer

🍳 omelette egghunter

  • Q: what if we don’t any buffer big enough?
  • A: if we have a number of small buffers
    • store a bit of the payload in each buffer
    • use the egghunter to find each of those eggs.

🍳 omelette egghunter

  • Q: what if we don’t any buffer big enough?
  • A: if we have a number of small buffers
    • store a bit of the payload in each buffer
    • use the egghunter to find each of those eggs.
    • chain their execution, to execute our full payload.


now it’s your turn!

  • Print “hello world\n” to stdout.
  • Print a user entered string (from stdin) to stdout.
  • Open a file ‘flag.txt’, read 10 bytes from it, print them, and close the file
  • Transcribe the given code into assembly
