We’ll get started at 18:05

return oriented programming

6447 week7

House cleaning


  • Midpoint check-in is due this Sunday 6pm
  • Make sure you’ve got a working prototype


  • How’d you find it

A summary so far

weeks 2/3

  • buffer overflow → win()
  • shellcode (building a win())



  • rop/ret2 (building a win() when NX is on)

buffer overflows

  • Abusing functions which can read more data than they have allocated memory for (gets, strcpy)

  • Allows us to control the stack (local vars, ret)

  • Mitigations: ASLR/PIE/Stack canaries

  • Breaking them: leaking addresses/the canary


  • Once we can control execution of the program (e.g. changing the return address), where do we go?

    • We trick it into treating our user-supplied as code.
    • Then jump to the code
  • Mitigations: NX, buffer too small for a payload

  • Breaking them: ROP, EggHunters


  • instead of writing our own assembly instruction, we re-use existing instructions from the program.

  • We use instructions preceding a ret (gadgets), so we can jump to them, execute them, and jump back.

  • We chain these gadgets so we can execute a full payload, by: jumping to first one, executing it, jumping back, jumping to the second one, etc.

how does ret work?

it grabs what rsp is pointing to, and jumps there

pop rcx
jmp rcx

rsp is integral to our ropchain

why does it jump to esp?

ret is the last thing in a function call

  • it’s called after:
    • local vars are cleaned up, and
    • rbp is grabbed off the stack
  • so rsp should is pointing at the return address
    0x18  [   ARGS   ] <- parameters
    0x14  [   RIP    ] <- +++rsp now points here+++
    0x10  [   RBP    ] <- cleaned up by leave
    0x0C  [ AAAAAAAA ] <- local vars are dealloc'd

how does a ropchain work

it’s going to execute each gadget, then grab the next one off the stack, and execute that

    0x18  [ GADGET_3 ] <- parameters
    0x18  [ GADGET_2 ] <- parameters
    0x14  [ GADGET_1 ] <- +++rsp now points here+++
    0x10  [   RBP    ] <- cleaned up by leave
    0x0C  [ AAAAAAAA ] <- local vars are dealloc'd


  • Instructions can comprise of multiple-bytes
    • If jump to an offset within an instructions
    • We could have an entirely new instruction
    0xAABBCCDD          0xAABBCCDD      0xAABBCCDD
      ^^^^^^^^              ^^                ^^^^
    MOV RAX, 12         XOR RAX, RAX       INC RAX; CALL WIN

note, I made those ^^^ up entirely

Old shellcode

/* argv = envp = NULL */
xor rcx, rdx
xor rdx, rdx

/* push '/bin/sh' onto stack */
push 0x732f2f6e69622f
mov rbx, rsp

/* call execve() */
mov rax, 0xb /* Syscall Number 11 */
syscall    /* Trigger syscall */

How do we replicate this

execve('/bin/sh', NULL, NULL)

RAX = 0x3B # (59)
RBX = address to /bin/sh

Now that’s it’s ROP

Instead of raw instructions, we’ll use gadgets

[GADGET_1] # RAX := 0x3B # (59)
[GADGET_2] # RBX := address to /bin/sh
[GADGET_5] # Syscall

How do we find gadgets?

Finding gadgets

> ROPgadget --binary ropme --search 'pop rbx'
0x0804832d : pop rbx ; ret

> ROPgadget --binary ropme --search'xor rcx'
0x080484b5 : xor rcx, rcx ; ret

> ROPgadget --binary ropme --search 'xor rdx'
0x080484b8 : xor rdx, rdx ; ret

> ROPgadget --binary ropme --search 'syscall'
0x080484bb : mov rax, 0x3B ; int 0x80

Using strings and values

pop rbx; ret grabs the next address on the stack, and stores it in rbx

p32(0x08041234) // pop rbx; ret;
p32(0x0804abcd) // address of "/bin/sh"
// now rbx stores a pointer to "/bin/sh"

p32(0x08041234) // pop rbx; ret;
p32(0xA)        // 10
// now rbx == 10

getting the stack address

we could grab the stack pointer, and store it in rbx

push esp, pop rbx; ret;
// now rbx will store &esp

generally both instructions will need to be in the same gadget

What should a payload look like?

[  PADDING  ] <== our first gadget should overwrite ret
[  RAX=0x3B ]
[  POP RBX  ]
[  &BIN SH  ]
[  XOR RCX  ]
[  XOR RDX  ]

How else could we get a shell?

  • we can also call functions!
  • what if the program already calls system?
PUSH &('/bin/sh')



what if the program doesn’t have (good) enough gadgets?

  • we can jump to our own code
  • we can also jump to any used libraries
  • libc stores all of the useful “builtin” functionality (printf, gets, etc)
  • that’s a whole lot of gadgets we could utilise
  • for a payload we’ll need to find:
    • the base address
    • the libc version (to determine offsets)*
    • a helpful function

* function offsets vary by LIBC version, you can find the correct offsets here


  • alternatively, you can do it with pwntools
  • similar to setting binary base, you set the libc base
libc = ELF("libc_version.so")
libc.address = printf_leak - libc.symbols['printf']
# libc.address is now the correct address

# you can directly access functions like:
libc.symbols['system'] # etc...

helpful stuff

  • you can search for stuff in pwntools
  • use the functions elf.search() and next()
elf = ELF('binary_file')
# you can find strings

# you can also find gadgets
next(elf.search(asm(b'mov rax, 0xb; ret', os='linux', arch=e.arch)))




3 chals this week, try to solve them all

