from pwn import *
global p
global elf
def start(prog, args, port=None, gdb_cmd="continue"):
prog = './' + prog
context.arch = 'i386'
context.terminal = ['urxvt', '-e', 'sh', '-c']
# can be disabled, removes a lot of the annoying output
context.log_level = 'error'
if args.REMOTE:
p = remote('', port)
elf = ELF(prog)
elif args.GDB:
p = gdb.debug(prog, gdb_cmd)
elf = ELF(prog)
p = process(prog)
elf = p.elf
return p, elf
def grab(p, start, end):
return p.recvuntil(end, drop=True)
def pack(msg):
return bytes(str(msg), 'utf-8')
Then add the folder the lib is stored into your python path:
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/folder/location/"
You can either run this every time you open a new terminal, or add it to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc and it will auto-run it everytime.
Finally, you can include this library into your programs with
from lib import *